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Rodolphe Franchi


Unlikely encounters

This series, still in progress, which has no other ambition than to make people smile, was inspired by an event in my life that was not laughable. When my mother had to leave her house to go to a nursing home, I had to empty her house of all her belongings. Built by my great grandfather, some had been in the same place for almost a century. For the first time, I saw them change places, change hands. Was I sad? No, on the contrary, a new life was beginning for them.

But can we speak of life when they are only inanimate things?

What if they had the power to come to life when you can’t see them? You know like in that famous movie with a cowboy and a space ranger.

And if these little stagings were only the reflection of a reality where objects play with us? It has happened to all of us to say to ourselves “where is this object? I’m sure I put it here! “

On each of these images, 2 objects that respond to each other. But is it really me who staged them? I’m not sure anymore.

The next time you leave your home, pay close attention to their locations, they can have many surprises in store for us.

Rodolphe Franchi
Paris, November 2022

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