The basis of my work is imaging and recording the objects I made. The process connects sculpture, installation, and photography. I’m taking photographs with analogue large format camera.
Haiku Moment
In 1991. an article about my haiku verses was published. The title was „A girl who sees the lyrics”. This article encouraged me to try to visualise some of the most characteristic haiku lines through the medium of photography. I am actually not a haiku poet. As most of the children I noticed and expressed my inner sensations. Through a game of written sensations (haiku verses) and current sensations (visualisation of the the same) I create a completely new world. In my work fictive (poem) is translated into again fictive (staged reality) and in this way I create the world of fiction which is not less dematerialised from a real world. The whole process starts with a line, with the flickering of possible, and ends up with dematerialising, fixing, transforming into a piece of photography. The connection of poetic fantasy that emotionally surprises and which is featured with overexaggeration and distancing from reality and photography, which is clear, which should convince us, a fantasy characterised by reality and truthfulness, with a common aim to emotionally thrill. My photographies refer more to emotions than to intelect.
People are increasingly exposed to stress today, socially isolated and politically divided. As a result, we have more and more psychological disorders such as anxiety. Anxiety does not arise, we create it. Thoughts about certain events and significance we attach to them are the causative agents of reaction. People are not upset by some events, but by their thoughts, ideas, philosophies… Anxiety is a feeling of vague fear, tension. People generally feel the loss of interest in the outside world. Many artists admit that they have this feeling while they are creating their artwork. As if they were going through a “birth” before they were born a piece of art. Not all people are struggling with this feeling in this way, but the rule that applies to art is that anxiety is a servant of creativity (T.S. Eliot).In my work “Utopia” I try to present this condition. Utopia is derived from the Greek word ou + topos meaning non-place. A place that does not exist, as well as anxiety, and also the room on my photographs are not real. I make models, rooms, in which nature is detained. Nature represents a man. A man trapped in his own world, a man who lives his ideas. Utopians are people who are looking into the future, utopian reality is unattainable, utopia is more like an idealist dream of a man who knew a lot, but couldn’t do much about it.