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Rien à voir: Yohanne Lamoulère


Day of Mourning in Marseille
Yohanne Lamoulère contre les clichés (1’59’’)

 “The photograph I didn’t take.”


A freelance photographer, Yohanne Lamoulère lived in the northern districts of Marseille. One day, the newspaper Libération called her to cover a march in honor of a young man killed by a neighbor. Rien à voir: twelve photographers tell the story of the photograph they didn’t take.

Yohanne Lamoulère is a member of the Transit collective and the Picturetank cooperative. Her work has appeared in Le Monde, Télérama, Elle, Vacarme, VSD, Le Tigre, CQFD

Rien à voir (saison 1) : Douze photographes racontent la photo qu’ils n’ont pas prise. 
Enregistrements : avril 13
Mise en ondes & mix : Samuel Hirsch
Directed by Aude Laporte

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