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Rien à voir : Sacha Golberger and his Mamika


Sacha Golberger and his Mamika (3’42”)

Sacha Goldberger works in the world of advertising and fashion. For the past several years he has shot pictures of his grandmother, Mamika, dressed as a super-granny in quirky situations. What place do old women have in art and society? Rien à voir: twelve photographers tell the story of the picture they didn’t take.
Aude Laporte



Rien à voir (saison 1) : Douze photographes racontent la photo qu’ils n’ont pas prise. 
L’Oeil de la Photographie est partenaire de l’émission
Enregistrements : avril 13
Mise en ondes & mix : Samuel Hirsch
Réalisation : Aude Laporte

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