By a descent into the depths of human privacy, main element of my staged photographic work, emphasis is given to microexpressions generated by the characters emotions. An elliptical narration is introduced, mixed with the strangeness of the situations presented and the feelings aroused. The action takes place into everyday life situations, just about to be unsettled by one of the characters. The chiaroscuro atmosphere is the occasion to intensify this instant of dramatic change, just before this repressed feeling blows up.
My work is based on a reflexion about real and artificial. The cold look of the digital aesthetics, opposed to the abandonment of the actor in its fragility, steers to doubt about the material or immaterial signs of the sets pieces and the represented characters. I try to create an ambiguity supposed to push the spectator to wonder about the realism of the scene. I like to improve an in between in my aestetic research, which makes my pictures not completely imaginary, but keeping an anchor in the real life.