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Reporters Without Borders : 100 photos for press freedom : A look at Japan


For the first time, the 100 photos for the freedom of the press collection highlights Japan with Regards sur le Japon.

This new album from Reporters Without Borders therefore brings together 14 photographic “truths” which respond to each other, come together, wink at each other, sometimes clash to the point of contradicting each other and push us to reconsider our vision of a Japan that is often a mirror of our own photos. Fourteen views for a fragmentary but powerful panorama of a country that is gripping because it is elusive.

With photographs by: Werner Bischof, Nicolas Bouvier, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ken Domon, Charles Fréger, Masahisa Fukase, Julie Glassberg, Françoise Huguier, Ishiuchi Miyako, Daido Moriyama, Pierre-Elie de Pibrac, Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Toshio Shibata and Hitomi Watanabe.

And the unpublished texts of Amélie Nothomb and the foreword by Emil Pacha Valencia.


Regards sur le Japon
Reporters sans frontières : 100 photos pour la liberté de la presse
Size: 21 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 144

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