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Reel Art Press : Leonard Freed : Police Work


It was one of the legendary books published in 1980.
Police Work by Leonard Freed. It is released again in a new edition today by Reel Art Press.

Leonard Freed’s Police Work is an unprecedented record of the New York City Police during the bleak 1970s.
In a city beset by economic hardship, rampant crime, and ongoing debates about law enforcement in minority communities, Police Work shows the police on the job, dealing with unimaginable challenges, and then at home, with their families, living lives much like many of us. This new edition features never before seen photos along with many others that have become symbols of that notorious time. As with any great artist, finding unknown work is sometimes controversial. One line of thought asks “How could something so great remain unreleased until now?” and another asks “If the artist didn’t choose these photos originally why doit now?” We feel that the additional photos are vitally important and add to the impact of the original work, all approved by Brigitte Freed. Featuring newly scanned images which offer greater detail while retaining all the grit and grime of the originals, this expanded edition of Police Work remains an essential time capsule, a true crime film broken up into individual frames.

Michael Shulman – Director of Publishing Magnum


When asked why I became so interested in the police, I have to answer, everyone should be. If we do not concern ourselves with who the police are – who they really are – not just “cops” or “pigs,”“law enforcement officers” or “boys in blue,” we run the real risk of finding that we no longer have public servants who are required to protect the public, but a lawless army from which we will all take orders.

I’ve seen it as I’ve worked in countries quite appropriately called “police states.”I was fascinated and challenged by how little people knew about the police, despite the fact that we see them all day in reality and in a fictionalized version at night on TV. I was, and am still impressed by the concept of the police as a symbol of society’s efforts to control itself. And I am as full of questions as any man as to what society should ask of these ordinary persons who, usually to improve their lot, have taken a job which may well require them to kill someone. I worked alongside and with the police. I “stole” no pictures. When asked if I saw brutality and corruption I have to answer, of course not. But of course there is corruption and brutality, cruelty and callousness. If there were not, then everyone would see the police as angels of mercy and order.

What I saw were average people doing a sometimes boring, sometimes corrupting, sometimes dangerous and ugly and unhealthy job. I hope to make people think about who the police are . . .and why we need them.

Léonard Freed


Leonard Freed : Police Work
Reel Art Press
Foreword by Studs Terkel

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