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Raoul Ries


Còrrec Sec

This year, the Pyrénées-Orientales region has experienced the worst drought in decades. These record events appear to be becoming more frequent and progressively more extreme. In June 2023, I stayed in the city of Ille-sur-Têt as an artist in residence. I used the idea of ​​visually amplifying aridity, temperature and insolation to develop a photography project called ‘Còrrec Sec’, Catalan for ‘Ravin sec’.

What would be the impact of the inevitable increase in global warming on this landscape? What would it look like and what would it look like in the future? I noticed that plants that usually have green leaves started to turn yellowish, and I decided to accentuate this development in my photographs. The beauty of the resulting images contrasts with the implicit hostility of the landscape.

Raoul Ries

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