Radial Art Contemporain presents Bernard Langenstein‘s exhibition, here is how he presents it:
I think about her all the time is a photographic reflection on the forest, on my wanderings, my education, my beliefs …
In my many long wanderings, I have often thought of this sentence by Jim Harrisson discovered in his novel North Michigan:
“Life on very rare occasions can offer things as absolute and as wonderful as those which are sometimes born in our imagination”
I love the forest, immerse myself in its bowels, immerse myself in its mysteries, it is for me a source of incredible sensations, it envelops me with its beauty, its strength, this incredible power that springs from its large trees, the fragility of its bushes, of its twigs, I love the smell of humus in the rain in spring, I fear the storms and the wind that mistreat it …
I love the light, the shadows that envelops its mystery, it commands respect, it is generous with its marvelously aesthetic and reassuring large trees, disturbing and even sometimes terrifying in the dark with its creaks all the noises it generates that sting my imagination …
The forest is in perpetual motion, from young shoots to tall trees brushing against the sky, which one day will fall down and decompose, generating the cycle of its existence.
Through her, I perceive my origins, the women and men I love, and all those intangible characters who feed my imagination.
In the forest, I am lost in my thoughts, outside the present, in a temporary and deliciously pleasant abstraction, it nourishes my questions, my mystical interpretations, it is the reflection of our fleeting passage, it is the reflection of the human soul.
The forest reigns over the origin of our existence, far from the madness of men and their conflicts, building fragile nuclear power plants and relentless megalopolises with desperate need.
The forest is like a double for me, a friend from whom I can not get away, I have never betrayed her …
I think about her all the time …
Bernard Langenstein
Bernard Langenstein
Until March 13, 2021
Galerie Radial Art Contemporain
11b Quai Turckheim
67000 Strasbourg