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Promenades Photographiques 2024 : Jean-François Spricigo


The twentieth edition of Promenades Photographiques in Blois presents an exhibition by Jean-François Spricigo. His biography introduces him as follows:

Often funny, tends to be enthusiastic, quick to wonder and quite impatient. His dizziness is a pretext for taking off (he is still learning to land).
He unconditionally loves the untamed in everyone, according to him, there is no hierarchy of respect: whatever form Life chooses, the important thing is the Life.
So we can all recognize ourselves as intensely alive.

Multidisciplinary human, associated with 104 Paris, represented by Camera Obscura Paris.



Create like a bird flaps its wings, so as not to fall. However, “who” creates?
The flight belongs to the detachment.
Once the “I” is dissolved, the dance emancipates itself from the dancer, the “play” becomes possible.
Keep this improbable diary up to date, unreasonable but not without reason.
In photography as elsewhere, sharpness focuses above all on emotion.
Blurry or not
the sagacity of a vision connects the intimate to the sensuality of its process.
Reality is printed in movement
freezing it is a lure to which we fall prey. Since childhood I have observed nature.
Animals have providentially calmed me in regard to the agitation of human societies.
Close the beautiful story promoted by the dream merchants
tenderly open up to the immensity, unfathomable and powerful, right down to its paradoxes.
As excesses take place, welcoming the unstoppable into your heart transcends the tumult into palpitations.
Without futur or nostalgia, true beauty grows in the shadow of appearances.
Conceive serenely this perspective, beyond all dogmas beyond all formulation
Life loves us.
No need to make it an objective, It matures in evidence. Nothing to achieve, what is necessary is already there.
Everything that I do not integrate, in essence disintegrates me. Accept the paradox to stop subscribing to the contradiction.
So can we coexist with our dark forces as a promise of light? The unknown to be explored forges its intensity.
This story constitutes neither a series nor a concept not even thoughts
with the exception of the flower of the same name, prolong the bloom of the senses. Life is not expressed in series, everything is new, tirelessly
No more process, but steps.
Under the rain, the wind, the sun, bordered by the infinity of the sky from which to sense the infinity within oneself. Consider each other without staring, each one, together.
Conquest with fragile acuity the outcome will be a fall
but I don’t fall.
The dizziness of abysses is that of revelations.

Jean-François Spricigo


Exhibition at the Promenades Photographiques festival in Blois from June 28 to September 1, 2024.

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