You’ve spent so much time choosing the perfect profile picture, one that somehow manages to embody your complex personality in a single image. It needs to be on par with the work of the great masters: Van Gogh’s Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear and your profile picture, going head-to-head.
Ben Beale and Rory Forest, two British entrepreneurs, think your profile picture is much more interesting than Vermeer’s milkmaid. For them, it’s time for portraits hanging in museums to be more in touch with the world today.
Hence their idea for Profile Picture Exhibition, which gathers portraits from around the globe and displays them like works of art.
The National Portrait Gallery in London, the Metropolitan Museum of New York, and the Louvre in Paris have all agreed to host the exhibition, on one condition: that the project receives one million “likes” on its Facebook page. They’re nearing 10,000 fans at the moment. We know the viral power of social networks, so it’s unlikely not to move along.
Pauline Auzou
Read the full version of this article on the French version of Le Journal.