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Planches Contact : Tremplin Jeunes Talents : Nicola Fioravanti


Nicola Fioravanti is the winner of the  Prize of the Public for the Tremplin Jeunes Talents at the Planches Contact festival, an initiative dedicated to highlighting the new artistic generation. It is thus presented.

His project, Normandy, Colors Only, is based on a simple but powerful idea: color as a universal language, understandable without words.

From the iconic beaches of Deauville and Trouville, inspired by the legacy of the Impressionists, to the modern lines of the architecture of the reconstruction of Le Havre, the project weaves a visual dialogue between architecture and landscape, revealing the infinite nuances of this region.

Nicola Fioravanti, born in 1985, is an Italian photographer who lives and works in Paris. His work focuses primarily on street photography and demonstrates a constant exploration of the potential of color in urban environments. Rather than using color as a simple means of representing reality, he makes it the defining element of his photography.

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