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Photo London 2022 : Kehrer Verlag : Anton Kusters


Anton Kusters – Auschwitz II – Birkenau | 1471595 (est.) | 50.034568, 19.181185 (EX)

Over a six-year period, Anton Kusters researched and photographed a blue sky at the last known location of every former nazi Germany SS concentration camp and killing center across Europe. These camps existed for 4432 days, from 1933 to 1945, in a highly organised system of imprisonment, forced labor, and murder. More than half of these 1078 sites have no visual remains today. Every photograph is manually blind-stamped with the number of victims beneath that sky, as well as its gps coordinates.

The artist’s upwards viewpoint reflects upon the difficulty of representing trauma and commemoration, and is a confrontation of how we see, and how we choose to remember.

Kehrer Verlag

Photo London 2022
12 – 15 May 2022
Somerset House

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