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Luma : Diane Arbus : Constellation


This is one of the key exhibitions of the 23/24 season: Diane Arbus at Maja Hoffmann’s Luma in Arles. You still have a few weeks left to see it.

“The Constellation exhibition brings together all 454 printing proofs (including some still unpublished) from the “Selkirk Prints set”, in the form of an immersive installation. Here we wanted to show the extra-photographic dimension of these images: revealing what is between the photos, what, like dark matter, keeps all these photographs in balance and connected to each other: the spider’s web.

This idea of ​​constellation appeared to us as a structure capable of both revealing images and the imperceptible architecture underlying all creations: chance, chaos and quest. There is therefore no direction of visit or instructions for use with Constellation.

Like Diane Arbus in New York, the public is invited to wander, pass by, around and through. There is no standard route but an infinite number of possibilities. Everyone will be able to create their own experience in this random and initiatory encounter.”

Matthieu Humery, curator of the exhibition


Diane Arbus: Constellation
Until May 5, 2024
Every Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Language of the visit: French
Meeting point: Entrance to La Tour, 35 avenue Victor Hugo, 13200 Arles
Duration: 1 hour
Capacity: 15 people maximum

LUMA Arles
35 avenue Victor Hugo
13200, Arles, France

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