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PHOTO 12 Galerie : Lynn Goldsmith : Téléphone


Archives – June 7, 2016

We mainly know Lynn Goldsmith for her photographs of Rock n’ Roll icons: the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, Patti Smith, Bob Dylan…

In 1980, she spent a few weeks at the side of the group Téléphone who invited her to Paris and New York to do a series of shots meant for the cover of their new album “Au Coeur de la Nuit”.

These photographs are currently exhibited for the first time at Photo12 Galerie in Paris in connection with the group’s tour, getting back together under the name “Les Insus”.


Téléphone by Lynn Goldsmith
From June 7th to October 26th, 2016
PHOTO 12 Galerie
10 rue des Jardins Saint-Paul
75004 Paris, France
[email protected]

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