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Peter Hay Halpert Fine Art : Stas Ginzburg : Holding Space. Community Portraits 2020-2022


Collector and gallerist Peter Hay Halpert asks us to publish this text:

We recently installed a selection of 12 portraits by Stas Ginzburg at the Vail Public Library to celebrate Pride month and create visibility for our LGBTQ+ siblings who live unapologetically in their truth while advocating for the rights of all marginalized communities.

The Human Rights Campaign recently stated that LGBTQ+ Americans are existing in a state of emergency. The multiplying threats facing millions in our community are not just perceived – they are real, tangible and dangerous. They are resulting in violence against LGBTQ+ people, forcing families to uproot their lives and flee their homes in search of safer states, and triggering a tidal wave of increased homophobia and transphobia that puts the safety of LGBTQ+ Americans at risk.

In response, catalyzed by the murder of George Floyd, a resurgence of activism, from Black Lives Matter to Stop Asian Hate to advocacy for trans, immigrant and sex workers’ rights, has filled the streets. Queer and trans voices have come to the forefront of this fight for collective freedom.

Ginzburg’s photographs observe and commemorate this moment.

This exhibition has been organized by Peter Hay Halpert Fine Art and will be on view at the Vail Public Library, located at 292 West Meadow Drive, Vail CO, until June 30 2023.

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