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The magazine Photo has worked with Visa pour l’Image since its inception in 1989, and every year it  devotes a special issue to the festival. Here is the 2014 edition, which opens today. The issue begins with an interview with festival director, Jean-François Leroy, and his deputy, Delphine Lelu.

Photo: Visa pour l’Image turned 25 last year. How are you approaching this 26th edition?
Jean-François Leroy
: I have just as much enthusiasm as I had in 1989 and less stress, because everything runs more smoothly now, the teams are more experienced. I still take as much pleasure in powerful new subjects by photographers I’ve know for a long time and by others whose work I’m just now discovering. I am still just as committed to and passionate about sharing stories from the past and showcasing the work of great photographers.
Delphine Lelu: And although the economic situation is difficult, our long-time partners like Canon have our backs, financially. And that’s a relief.

What are the major trends of Visa 2014?
All you have to do is look at the headlines of the past two months: Iraq, Syria, the Central African Republic, Ukraine, Somalia, Gaza… The the raw material of photojournalism is conflict. The world is in trouble and, sadly, the material is extraordinary this year.
DL: For the first time in a while, we had a surplus of worthy exhibitions but not enough space to hold them all.

Why do you think that is?
This was an incredible year for news, from Africa to Ukraine. These events provided incredible images. We thought things were going to calm down in Ukraine, but no! Then we had Crimea and the stalemate with Sloviansk. It’s rare but this year we were still receiving photographs in August.

Read the full interview on the French version of L’Oeil de la Photographie.

Visa pour l’image – Perpignan
From August 30 to September 14, 2014
Hôtel Pams
18 rue Emile Zola
66000 Perpignan
Tel: +33 4 68 62 38 00
[email protected]

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