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Pascal Jaugeon – Trace on the sand


I have been promising myself for a while now to make a selection of 12 to 15 photos and submit it to you. I couldn’t decide on which theme, which subject. I look carefully at all the galleries you put online. Looking at the work of other photographers develops the gaze and this without even realizing it. This Friday, March 29, 2019, I saw the pictures of Sophie Ristlehueber. I had the click. I’m going to go. I propose 15 photographs taken in 2015 and 2016 on a theme I have entitled “traces on the sand” or “ephemeral writing”. Why ephemeral? Quite simply because at each tide, these writings exist only for a few hours, until the next rising tide erases them. Unlike a large part of my work in photography, I have no character, no movement. I play on the graphics alone. Photos are taken either in black and white or color mode in different formats, 16:9; 3:2 or 1:1.

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