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Paris Photo 2012 : –Peter Lav


The gallery presents younger, emerging artists that explore the boundaries of the photographic media. All artists represented by Peter Lav Gallery have previously had their works shown in museums and exhibitions halls throughout Europe.

A photograph for less than 1000 euros :
xcopy XIV, 2011Adam Jeppesen
Framed in oak, Xerography, assembled from 4 x A4 pieces of paper, 56 x 42 cm
Print on demand in 487 days, from 24th July, 2011
850 Euros ex VAT

A photograph between 1000 and 10.000 euros :
Ghost 3, 2012Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs
119,5 x 92,5 cm, Silver Gelatine Print, 3 Ed.
5600 Euros ex VAT

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