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Paolo Bongianino, Doors, windows, gates and courtyards


The “Doors, windows, gates and courtyards” project was born and developed with the intent to register and to propose to future generations, a common aspect, however, constantly evolving, of the building activities of the past also the nearest to us.

Doors, windows and doorwayss are the elements that, when dividing the inside from the outside, allow the transit, doors and gates, or the overlooking and the passage of light, the windows.

Looking closely always, since the man has abandoned caves and ravines, to find protection and refuge in specifically built environments, were huts or castles, the object of the project elements have been placed and raison d’etre. In fact, the need to “limit” the scope of living, the protected area of the “refuge”, has led on the one hand to the need of defining the space, inside and out, and restrict access and the view inside. Although always allowing to enter and exit and, where necessary, to have the light coming from the outside and the possibility of changing the ambient air.

The courtyards, open spaces bordered by buildings and boundary walls, are today, unfortunately, simple and often anonymous parking areas and a pause for vehicles, a time, not so far away, were a gathering of adults and children alike. The first intent in work activities or simply addicted to chatting and rest, the latter, frequently at play, even games now out of date.

The elements object of the project can be simple architectural elements or constitute small works of art, it depends on the context and as the owner, designer and architect intended to make them visible, however, always remains the same practical functionality.

Doors, doorways and windows as well as scoring of passage areas are the “thermometer” of how the building, in which they are placed, is cared for and maintained. Often time worn them and slowly deteriorates them, care and maintenance can make the difference both in appearance, durability and functionality, the images of my work are objective evidence of these aspects.

The materials used also mark the passage of time, in the past, wood was the main material, now iron, steel and aluminium, in various forms, are usefully employed and allowing new forms and shapes.

A theme I consider important is the great doors, often placed in important fronts: always in wood, are often replaced with modern artifacts that have nothing to do with the past: documenting how our grandparents and ancestors made them is, I believe, a must for those who are convinced that the past serves or can serve as a lesson for the future. Unfortunately when they are dismantled they are lost forever.

The images that follow are intended to provide a brief overview of what has been collected and documented.

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