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Ottavio Marino – Resilience/Survivors

“Resilience/Survivors” is a project on the exoduses and migrations that we often hear about without understanding the meaning and the great suffering they bring with them.
It is a project that talks above all things about human beings and their courage, their desire to start living again. Of not giving in to the adversities of life. The resilient are survivors of hatred, intolerance, inequality. Resilient people are afraid of a world that has mistreated them too many times and wants them on the edge, far from anyone’s sight. But the resilient also have the courage to raise their heads and start over, because the resilient people are above all courageous people.
I came across their faces and their stories last summer. I have always shown a particular sensitivity towards those in need, towards those who are too often placed at the margins of society and once again I wanted to understand, to know in a more direct way what are the migrations and its consequences. Thanks to a second reception center that operates in the south of Calabria, with the precious support of their curators I could learn their stories, see their faces, their shy smiles, their kind gestures. Their stories are telling of inequality, lack of fairness, stories of abuse and violence, of great suffering and of the total lack of rights. But their stories are also stories of hope and dreams to be realized.
Their stories are stories of pain, of privations, of lost affections, torn from war or from the sea or from men. But they are also stories of hope, of the same hope that too often struggles to mark their days.
There is one thing that struck me more than all the others of these guys. They always walk with their heads down and when they look at you, they smile shyly at you. Because the resilients cross the world silently, you rarely manage to hear their voice, because many have tried to stifle those voices. We should always remember that we are part of a larger design called world and this world should not include borders or hatred. These are their stories and these are the faces of Djibril Ndao, Ibrahim, Paul, Shahbaz, Mamadou, Lamin, Djibril, Gulfam.

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