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Nadar Gens d’images Award : Deanna Dikeman : Leaving and Waving


The 66th Nadar Gens d’images Award is awarded to Leaving and Waving, photographs by Deanna Dikeman, published by Chose Commune editions.

This book, which presents 27 years of shooting, brings together the photographs Deanna Dikeman took of her parents when saying goodbye to them. As she hit the road, Deanna Dikeman was still pointing the lens at her parents. What started as a quick snapshot in 1991 has grown into a ritual over the years. The book documents the goodbyes in chronological order as the seasons change and the years go by, dividing the color and black-and-white photographs. Leaving and Waving – part of a larger body of work titled Relative Moments – is a touching exploration of family, the passage of time, and the sadness of leaving each other.

Chose Commune is an independent French publishing house based in Marseille. Founded in 2014, it is managed by Cécile Poimboeuf-Koizumi. Chose Commune aims to promote and distribute artistic creation (photography and works on paper) in France and abroad to the general public, institutions and professionals. To this end, Chose Commune intends to publish both emerging artists and great figures whose work, still unknown to the general public, has not yet been the subject of an artist’s book.

Since 1955, the Nadar Prize has been organized and awarded by the Gens d´images association. It rewards a book devoted to photography published during the past year by a French publisher. About a hundred books are presented to the jury, which assesses the relevance of the subject, the correctness of the editorial choices, the originality and consistency of the layout, and the care taken in the production. Ten books are noted for their quality, including the winner who receives an endowment of € 10,000 thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture.

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