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Gomma Grant : Marylise Vigneau : Aarzoo


Her name: Marylise Vigneau. She just won the Gomma Grant with these images.

“Aarzoo” is an Urdu word meaning wish and longing. This series is about these emotions and their deviations. It is a subjective journey through Pakistan, a country that remains a riddle despite several extended stays since 2010 and the mix of exasperation and tenderness I feel for it.

The construction of these diptychs occurred slowly over the years as I began to distinguish the layers of reality, walk my way through the veneer of things, identify the stories and plots, the characters and the overtones and fuse them with the shadows of my own inner theatre.

Images started to merge and make sense, a new sense born out of apparent clashes or unexpected semblances.

These deconstructed and reconstructed images weave alternative scenes. They suggest stories; they constitute a track game through an often rough but poetic reality. They address the collective narrative through a gaze that covers some tracks and hints at others. Time somehow stands still. Space is saturated with memories and untold tales, walls stare, and people and animals walk by.

These pictures have been taken between January 2010 and January 2023.

Marylise Vigneau

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