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Museum Henriette Polak : Robin de Puy : Water & Meer


Until the 8th of September 2024, the exhibition ‘Water & Meer by Robin de Puy will be on show at Museum Henriette Polak.
‘Waters & Meer’ shows a selection from the photographer’s recent projects Down By The Water (2022) and Waters (2023).

“The longer I don’t travel, the more I dare to look at where I live. I see how my new surroundings take care of me. How the baker and the greengrocer bring my groceries to my door every Saturday morning. How all kinds of people call this their village, their neighborhood, their home. I see families who have lived here for generations, I see refugees, outcasts, and graduates, I see urban diversity mixed with a small village frame of mind.” Robin de Puy

Robin de Puy has lived for several years in Wormer, a small village surrounded by water just north of Amsterdam. She is fascinated by rural America and discovered during the recent lockdown that her new surroundings also turn out to be very universal, with the same kind of small-town local icons she has often encountered during her travels through the landscapes of America.


Robin de Puy : Water & Meer
Until September 8, 2024
Museum Henriette Polak
‘s-Gravenhof 4
7201 DN Zutphen, Netherlands

The Ravestijn Gallery

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