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Musée de Vernon : Emma Barthère : Homo Bestia


Until March, the Musée de Vernon is hosting Emma Barthère‘s exhibition entitled Homo Bestia. She presents it like this:

Homo Bestia emerges as a continuation of the Manger un peu de terre series (Eating a bit of earth series). Where I showed an intimate and personal process of reconnection to life, Homo Bestia echoes a more universal mutation. Awareness of ecological disasters and the limits of our industrial society gives rise to the need to feel readapted to the world and at peace with living things. If human history has deconstructed the idea of ​​global harmony, it has not erased it from our memory. However, using animal metamorphosis can help us reactivate this memory. There remains within us a substrate of ancestral and mythological beliefs where Man used rituals and adopted the attributes of the animal in the hope of finding answers. Resurrecting archaic animism is a way of broadening our consciousness, rethinking our place in the world and infusing it with a more spiritual impetus.
Becoming an animal to remain human

Emma Barthère


Emma Barthère : Homo bestia
Jusqu’au 3 mars 2024
Musée de Vernon / Musée Alphonse-Georges-Poulain
12 Rue du Pont
27200 Vernon, France

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