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Mostra SP de fotografia 2014


Since its inception in 2009, the young São Paulo photography festival Mostra SP de Fotografia has taken off. Five years have passed since that first small, single exhibition of 60 photographs in a bar. Today the event is held in the Vila Madalena district in western São Paulo. In total, the festival, which runs through February 23, boasts 40 individual and group exhibitions featuring the work of 160 photographers, with panel discussions, screening and workshops. “This is a unique project in Brazil,” says Fernando Costa Netto, a founding members of the Doc Galeria, which organizes the festival. “With  exhibitions during a month, its the largest photo event in São Paulo.”

A Vision of the City

As in previous years, the fifth edition of the Mostra SP de Fotografia is dedicated entirely to the city of São Paulo, which is celebrating its 460th anniversary. The goal is to participate in the documentation of the city and encourage photographic collections. Proof of this is the launch the São Paulo photo academy, one of the festival’s main events. For the occasion, twelve artists will present their vision of the city. “It’s about representing the social, cultural and architectural movements of our city,” says Mônica Maia, an associate member of the Doc Galeria. “The organization may have given pride of place to documentary photography, but it left the doors open for other categories.”

“The theme is São Paulo,” says Fernando Costa. “The artists are free to do what they want.” Visitors will be taken to the heart of the military coup fifty years later, then on a nighttime ride through the city with Leandro Giannotti before exploring the polluted waters of the Tietê River with the Trema collective.

Photography Made Accessible

Famous for its vibrant cultural scene, the Vila Madalena district will host around forty exhibitions in its galleries, restaurants, bars, shops and streets. All the events are free, which shows the organizers’ determination to make photography accessible to the public.

“We’re able to document the history of São Paulo while giving millions of people the opportunity to see photography,” says Fernando Costa Netto. This year, the experience goes beyond seeing: the festival is holding a workshop in partnership with Magnum. “The discussions will be led by two brilliant photographers representing two generations of Magnum, Abbas and Moises Saman.”

Mostra SP de fotografia
Until Febrary 23rd, 2014
São Paulo

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