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Fifty Years Later


The exhibition Cadê ? 50 anos depois (Well? 50 Years Later) can now be seen on the walls of the Rua Girassol in São Paulo. It features photographs of activists during Brazil’s military dictatorship (1964-1985) like Vladimir Herzog and Amelinha Teles.

Vladimir Herzog
Born in Yugoslavia in 1937, Vladimir Herzog was a naturalized Brazilian professor and journalist. He was also a photography enthusiast. The name Vladimir became central to the movement in the restoration of Brazilian democracy after 1964. An activist in the Brazilian Communist Party, Vladimir Herzog was tortured to death in the headquarters of “Il Exército” in São Paulo after he was summoned to testify about his connection to the BCP.

Amelinha Teles
She is a national role model in the fight for Memory. An activist during the years of Brazil’s military dictatorship, she was imprisoned with her husband and children in São Paulo. Founder of the Commission of Families of Dead and Missing Politicians, for over thirty years Amelinha has fought to hold agents of the state accountable for their crimes.

Cadê ? 50 anos depois
by Paula Sacchetta and Peu Robles
Until February 23rd, 2014

Rua Girassol, 326, Vila Madalena.
São Paulo

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