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Mois de la Photo 2014 : Alexia Monduit at Galerie VU’


Alexia Monduit comes from the world of theatre. And it shows in her dramatic, powerful and baroque photographs on display at the Galerie VU’ alongside Jeffrey Silverthorne’s. The kinship between the two is apparent. Monduit’s photographs—discovered by Gilou Le Gruiec of the Galerie VU’, who offered her a place to exhibit where she felt welcome—recall the strangeness, intimacy and intensity of Silverthorne’s.

Monduit works instinctively, simply and without much forethought. The pictures were not originally intended to be shown. It all started with a cloth under which Monduit hid to photograph her concealed emotions. She says that photography reveals something about her despite herself. She is trying to communicate some voice, some sound through her photographs: always the theatre.


In part of Mois de la Photo 2014
Alexia Monduit: Into my Song

Through January 10th 2015
Galerie VU
58, rue Saint-Lazare
75009 Paris
From Monday to Saturday (14:00-19:00)

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