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Matteo Abbondanza


There is too much chaos inside me to be able to tolerate even the chaos outside of me: with photography I try to bring order to the external world, failing to do so in my internal world. This project, far horizons, is the expression of my need for quiet, peace, a temporary departure from everyday life, it is the search for an unsettling poetic world in which to lose myself, for a short time, so as to be able to once again breathe. The sea, with its immensity, power and indeterminacy, is the element I chose to emphasize my need for estrangement, for a sweet shipwreck in thoughts. I try to interpret his silence to make it mine, I try to capture his order, airiness, indeterminacy, bringing them into my photos so that, through a visual order, it gives me the illusion of finally being at peace.

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