There is no family without a family album, no family without a family history.
Photographs from family albums show shared moments: vacations, parties, meals and ceremonies.
These instants captured on film are marked by family history and sublimated by the power of the image.
Hard times fade and give way to a feeling of nostalgia and happiness.
The family album becomes a collection of good memories, and the image becomes the medium of memory.
The exhibition Histoire de Famille brings together three elements: photography, family and stories.
Unlike the domestic photographs in our family albums, the photographs of Delphine Balley, Mylène Blanc and Julien Magre do not represent this happiness, but they do address the complexity of family history.
Through staged photographs and storytelling, the artists capture family stories as a photographic subject, asking their families to pose for them. With their distinct photographic styles, each artist plays with the ambiguity of fiction rooted in a family reality. The family members interpret, or not, their role in these photographs, becoming the main actors in a work that escapes them.
Read the full article on the French version of Le Journal.
Histoire de Famille
From March 2nd to April 7th, 2013
Galerie La jetée
J1, Boulevard du Littoral
13002 Marseille