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Loïc Guinebault


Mon tati

Children playing and laughing between two pretty sun-drenched sheds, a young girl fluttering along a quay, carefree strollers wandering along the beach, an old fisherman looking after his boat, elderly people chatting happily on a bench, a reader enjoying a deckchair against a backdrop of parasols, a little poodle turning its head in puzzlement: these are just some of the scenes captured on the spot in the superb setting of “La Panne / De Panne” 30 years ago, bearing witness to the simple happiness of life’s little moments.

Authentic, touching and ultimately timeless, these scenes remind the photographer of Jacques Tati’s (1907-1982) film “Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday”, shot on a beach in Saint Nazaire, France, or of “My Uncle” or “Playtime”. Happy, carefree scenes that simply tell us that life is worth living.

Loïc Guinebault has been practicing fine art photography for many years, particularly in the world of fashion, which is his original specialization. Sensitive to the simple scenes of everyday life, he enjoys capturing people in their authenticity, freezing a moment in their lives, meticulously working the angle, colors and light to best express their thoughts and emotions. He has extended his creative activity to the world of cinema, with a multi-platform short film (“Agonie”) and numerous directing projects in development.


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