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Festival Les femmes s’exposent : Camille Brasselet


Starting from the etymological translation of Houlgate as a “hollow path”, I wanted to create an autofiction by providing a unique perspective on this maritime town in Normandy. Having grown up in this region, these landscapes remain a strong anchor for me. Through the iconic architecture of Houlgate, the places take a central place within the images. The winter setting with empty tourist spaces, closed shutters and echoing silence are an opportunity to show behind the scenes. Houlgate reveals its ambiguity between reality and fiction, like a fabricated setting. The “hollow path” evokes the paradox of a wandering where the character searches for her place:  and is at the same time an  alter ego blind to the knowledge of this place and a little girl who seeks to find traces of her past.

Camille Brasselet


Les femmes s’exposent 2024
June 7 – September 1, 2024
Houlgate, Normandy


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