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Leica Gallery Los Angeles : Jean-Pierre Laffont : New York Noir


The Leica Gallery Los Angeles presents New York Noir by Jean-Pierre Laffont. He writes:

When I arrived as a young Frenchman in 1964, New York City was chaotic, dirty, gritty, loud and dangerous, but it was also attractive, provocative, brave, enchanting, joyous and free. “New York Noir” is inspired by the 1940 Film Noir. It is filled with a sense of danger, it is violent and upbeat, simple and timeless like my New York.
Everything seemed possible and vibrant. I hated it one day and loved it the next. I responded to the city with my heart and never stopped capturing the monumental mess that it is and the exhilaration it provokes.
All my wildest dreams came true in New York, and I hope my photos captured a city that I viewed critically but affectionally and to which I bear an immense gratitude.
Jean-Pierre Laffont


Jean-Pierre Laffont attended the School of Graphic Art in Vevey, Switzerland, where he graduated with a Master’s Degree in Photography. He was a founding member of the Gamma USA and Sygma Photo News agencies. For more than five decades, Laffont traveled the globe, covering the news, the people, and the social and economic issues of his time. His photos were published in the world’s leading news magazines, including Le Figaro, London Sunday Times, Newsweek, Paris Match, Stern, and Time. He was named one of the one hundred most important people in photography. Among the numerous awards Laffont has received are the Overseas Press Club of America’s Madeline Dane Ross Award, the World Press Photo General Picture Award, University of Missouri’s World Understanding Award and First Prize from the New York Newspaper Guild. In 1996 he was honored with the National French Order of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres (a Knight in the National French Order of Arts and Letters). In 2016 Jean Pierre was named International Photographer of the Year of the Pingyao Photo Festival in China. In 2020 he received The Lucie Award for Achievement in Photojournalism and The Visa D’Or Award du Figaro Magazine for Lifetime Achievement. In 2023, he was nominated as Chevalier (Knight) of the Order of the Legion of Honor for 60 years at the service of photojournalism. Laffont resides in New York with his wife Eliane.


Jean-Pierre Laffont : New York Noir
September 12 – November 11, 2024
Vernissage : Thursday, September 12, 2024, 6pm-8pm
Leica Gallery Los Angeles
8783 Beverly Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90048

Join Leica Gallery LA and Jean-Pierre Laffont to kick off the West Hollywood Design District ARTWALK
Artist book signing Saturday, September 14th, 3-5pm at Leica Gallery LA

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