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Léa Abendstein Winner of The Wolf Suschitzky Photography Prize 2021


The ACF London, with the support of the Austrian Federal Chancellery initiated the Wolf Suschitzky Photography Prize in 2018 following the death of Wolf Suschitzky.

Reflecting the dual nature of Suschitzky’s identity, the award is aimed at photographers based in the UK and Austria. This year, the prize is awarded in partnership with Fotohof to Lea Abendstein and Mike Ying.

The beautiful tiered collages by Lea Abendstein who studied art and photography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna where she lives and works give a sense of the inner experience of pandemic lockdown and its impact on the mental health, family structures and everyday life.

Such collages that form the set “A Study In The Way Of Giving Meaning” oscillate between the feelings of life in a world before and after the pandemic. Powerful imagery and semantic subtlety are skillfully combined in each work.

Jean Paul Gavard Perret

galerie edition bibliothek archiv
Inge-Morath-Platz 1-3, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

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