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La Poste : Animals in colors


On February 12, 2024, La Poste (the French Post Office) will issue a booklet of 12 postage stamps, illustrated with close-up photos of feathers, coats or animal scales.

A little natural history…
From here and elsewhere, animals fascinate us… We love them for their beauty, their unusual character, their extraordinary diversity. This booklet of twelve postage stamps pays them the most beautiful tribute. Birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, offer their feathers, their coat or their scales to the photographer’s lens. The result is both original and artistic: real paintings where bright or dark colors vibrate in harmony with shapes and textures, spotted, striped, speckled, curly… An ode to animal beauty and nature, a true work of art that constantly amazes us.


Technical information:
Graphic design: Stéphanie Ghinéa
Printing: rotogravure
Notebook format: 256 x 54 mm
Stamp format: 38 x 24 mm
Presentation: 12 self-adhesive postage stamps
Circulation: 3,500,000 copies
Face value: €1.29
Sale price: €15.48

The booklet will be sold on preview on Friday February 9th and Saturday February 10th at:

▪ PARIS (75)

Le Carré d’Encre, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., 13 bis rue des Mathurins, 75009 PARIS (Cancellation until 5 p.m.).

– Stéphanie Ghinéa will host a signing session on Saturday, February 10th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Find this information and its updates on:, the reference site for philatelic news.

From February 12th, 2024, it will be sold in all post offices, by subscription or by mail to Philaposte Service Clients Commercial Z.I Avenue Benoît Frachon, BP 10106 Boulazac, 24051 PériGUEUX CEDEX 09, by telephone on 05 53 03 19 26 and by email [email protected] at the Musée de La Poste, 34 boulevard de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris by reservation with your tobacconist and on the website

From February 13, 2024, it will be sold in the store “Le Carré d’Encre”.

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