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La chambre claire Galerie : Bernard Descamps


La chambre claire Galerie de Douarnenez presents an exhibition by Bernard Descamps until September 7. It is accompanied by this text by Martine Chapin.

Bernard Descamps is not a traveler. If his images are marked by a singular place, it is because they trace a path to where his gaze stopped.

The common cranes of France do not know borders. They set off in a line that echoes the fisherman’s canoe from Madagascar.

From Africa to Japan via Chinon, the photographer records his encounters with a floating sensitivity.

No preparation, no testimony, but a disposition and a presence at the given moment. The range of emotions generated by his photographs shows us his quest for direct contact.

A tender, gentle, encouraging society, where Delphine’s skin matches the curve of the Sahara dune.

Iceland’s volcano is not erupting and Thailand’s trees are stripped of the intense presence of the cosmos. There is nothing to understand, just to feel the green coloring of the foliage and the calm, warm essence of the fire bubbling beneath the earth.

Each line is drawn as a goal of irritation and tension. A furious march to travel the planet, to escape doubt, to note one’s own existence in the “I am here”, just before the disparition and beyond.

Time is abrogated, only geography persists in a blissful space of a planet to be deciphered.

A movement that never stops, always active with precision, the sweet home of the photographer or his diary of life, an intimacy shared.

Martine Chapin


La chambre claire Galerie
3 rue Voltaire
29100 Douarnenez
06 42 40 88 30

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