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Kominek Books : Greg Girard : American Stopover


Kominek Books released the book American Stopover by Greg Girard. He sent us the following text.

The US west coast has always been a magnet for young searchers, and it was that for me as well. Though in my case it was more of a vast departure lounge, a long drawn out stopover, than a final destination.

In the 1970s and early 1980s, trips to Asia always began in California. Sailing by freighter from San Francisco, or later on multi-stopover air tickets to Tokyo or Bangkok departing from SFO or LAX. I stayed in cheap hotels, or half-slept in all-night cinemas and walked the streets photographing by day and by night. Lingering for days or weeks, traveling by Greyhound to other cities, and then at some point eventually boarding a plane or ship to cross the Pacific.

The US west coast has always been a magnet for young searchers, and it was for me as well. Though in my case it was also a vast departure lounge, a long drawn out stopover, perhaps more than a final destination.

These pictures are mostly unseen and form a little time capsule of what it was like to wander around the west coast, Las Vegas and Honolulu in the 1970s, with a “just passing through” mindset on the way to Tokyo, Hong Kong or Bangkok.

Greg Girard


Greg Girard : American Stopover
Published by Kominek Books, Berlin
Feb 1, 2024.
Hard cover.
80 photographs.
160 pages.
11.8 x 8.9 inches.
ISBN 978-3-9824542-6-9

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