Far from the release of the last Macbook, far from the US elections, far from Snapchat and molecular cuisine, far from the foils and the last work of Jeff Koons … There are still some Italian villages that remain, a little excluded from the Word, or rather who suffer. This is the case of Sant’Arcangelo, a “paesino” in the Basilicata region (Italy), in balance between the badlands, the mountains of the southern Apennines (Appennino lucano) and the mountains of the Sila national park, symbol of Border with the land of Calabria! The majority of young people flee to work in urban areas or abroad, families are reduced, old people are still more alone, the houses are emptying, crumbling and get abandoned. Sant’Arcangelo is no exception to the rule. Far for a young person who has to return to see his family, far away for a tourist who “went to Italy”. Far, but… “casa mia”.
Kate Lerigoleur