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Jonk Editions : Greg Abandoned : Abandoned China Book One


Abandoned China Book One by Greg Abandoned is a collection of photographs and stories of some of the most amazing abandoned places in China. From 2018 to 2021, the author traveled through every Chinese province, from Inner Mongolia in the north to Yunnan in the south, and hundreds of cities and towns in between.

For the publisher, Greg Abandoned is passionate and a diehard. So he doesn’t do things by halves and that’s what he likes about him. Between photographers inhabited by a visceral project, they understand each other. This passion has allowed him to carry out an important work of documentation of abandoned places in China. The material collected in just a few years is so important that it had to be cut into three volumes to present it correctly. Book One therefore focuses only on certain themes of abandonment, in particular industrial and vehicle cemeteries (cars, bicycles, trains, boats, planes). For theatres, schools, hospitals, amusement parks, etc… we will have to wait until next year!


Greg Abandoned: Abandoned China Book One
Publisher: Jonk Editions
Softcover, 208 pages, Language: English, Size: 29.7cm x 21.6cm,
ISBN: 978-2957645039


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