I recently obtained a rarely given permission to photograph Paris from a helicopter directly over Paris monuments. Usually flights are restricted to the outskirts of the city where it is not possible to get straight down shots. The new work is a continuation of my aerial photography over cities, which I began in 2010. In 2017 my book LA NY, Thames & Hudson, aerial photographs of LA and NY, was published and has since won many awards including a Graphis Gold Award. Several years ago I began shooting over London and Amsterdam, and in May I was given permission for two flights over Paris. Here is a link to a selection of photographs taken in May and June:
The photographs are taken from a helicopter with the door off where I am in a harness that lets me lean out of the helicopter to get the straight down shots. Before taking up photography I was a practicing architect and my photography is informed by the architects eye for geometry and order in the plan view of the man made landscape. From 1000 feet above you can see hidden views in shapes and patterns and geometry not available from the ground, the view the birds see.
I shoot with a very high resolution medium format 150 megapixel Phase One camera which allows me to make very large exhibition prints for museums and my galleries. I am planning to produce a book of the work.
I also received a rare permission to fly over Versailles.
Jeffrey Milstein