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Jean-Pierre Giovannangeli : Mon Ventoux


Tight, colorful, abstract and disturbing frames, urban landscapes, ancient sites, portraits … Since the age of eight, Jean-Pierre Giovannangeli has never stopped experimenting with art in photography.

Of Corsican origin, his gaze nourished from an early age by the profusion of granite, Jean-Pierre has often magnified these hard rocks with strange shapes, which come in shades of gray and pink, omnipresent in his native south. Walking the mule tracks, wandering in the maquis, strolling and roaming along the creeks or walking in the mountains, gradually brought him closer this time to this limestone mass, that is Mont Ventoux. Indeed, each path to be taken on this bald mountain becomes a pretext for the act of photography. Whether it is a walk framed by enigmatic red and blue stakes, a hike on the west or north face, the photographer marvels at the multitude of facets this mountain offers him.

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