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Jean-Noël Duru


Nei giardini di Hadrien

The ghosts of the past, the shadows, returning from paintings of masters, invade the gardens of the villa of Hadrian.

The villa of Hadrian, in Latin villa Hadriana (in Italian Villa Adriana), is an ancient villa built by the emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century. Located on the territory of the frazione of Villa Adriana in Tivoli (ancient Tibur), about thirty kilometers from Rome, it is one of the richest monumental ensembles of Antiquity. It is spread over an area of 120 hectares, of which about 40 are visible today. Hadrian adorned his villa in Tibur with admirable buildings: one could see the names of the provinces and the most famous places, such as the Lycée, the Academy, the Prytanée, Canope, the Poecile, Tempé. Not wanting to omit anything, he also made represent the stay of the shadows.

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