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Janet Borden, Inc. : Martin Parr : Fashion Faux Parr


Janet Borden, Inc. presents Fashion Faux Parr, the first exhibition devoted to Martin Parr’s fashion work. Parr has been making photographs for the fashion industry since 1999. This twenty-five year undertaking has seen him travel from Moscow to Bangkok, from Milan to New York, on assignment for various magazines and fashion houses, including his long-standing work for Gucci.

Many of Parr’s signature tropes, including vivid colors and a keen appreciation of the absurd, are on view in these photographs. The daylight flash, the dressing up and partying, the coincidental matching of patters and colors in unlikely places, all commingle in this body of colorful and witty work. As the premier documentary photographer working in England, Parr brings his extraordinary sensibility to the world of fashion. Consider the cover of the book: long-legged models slouch in line…at Katz’s Delicatessen. The accompanying monograph by Phaidon clocks in at a generous three hundred two pages.


Martin Parr was born in Surrey, England, in 1952. He currently lives in Bristol, England.
This British documentary photographer has worked on many photographic projects throughout the world, resulting in over 110 published books, including Bad Weather; The Last Resort; The Cost of Living; Common Sense; Think of England; The Last Parking Space; Martin Parr: Objects. His work is exhibited and collected throughout the world. Last year, Only Human, Parr’s 13-room extravaganza of several hundred photographs and objects, was exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery, London. His fashion photography is the subject of an upcoming monograph by Phaidon. He created The Martin Parr Foundation to promote and preserve the history of British documentary photography.


Martin Parr : Fashion Faux Parr
Until May 31, 2024
Janet Borden, Inc.
91 Water Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Tuesday – Saturday, 11 – 5.

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