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James Hyman Gallery : Edith Tudor Hart : France


James Hyman Gallery presents a small group of rare vintage photographs by Edith Tudor Hart.

In recent years Edith Tudor Hart has begun to receive the acclaim she deserves as one of the most important figures in documentary photography of the mid twentieth century. Her international status was recognised by her inclusion in the major recent exhibition, The New Woman Behind the Camera (National Gallery of Art, Washington and Metropolitan Museum New York, 2021-22) and the powerful retrospective, A Steady Eye in Turbulent Times at the Fotohof in Salzburg, Austria, 2024.

The works include pictures made on a pre-war visit to Boulogne and on a 1953 visit to the South of France where she took some of her last photographs.

Lifetime prints by Tudor Hart are extremely rare and seldom come on the market. The majority of surviving prints were held by the photographer’s family and are now in the Fotohof in Salzburg, Austria.

Prices start at £6,500.


James Hyman Gallery
48 & 50 Maddox Street
London W1S 1AY

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