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Jacques Revon : Testimony and tribute to all caregivers


Without knowing each other, we met for 6 weeks in the clinic for the same clinical process: to discover, after a life accident, a certain reality.

How, from now on, can we perfect the good hygiene of our hearts? We needed to know how to take better care of it, how to take care of it, train it, how to oxygenate it, how to listen to it?… To benefit from the advice and support of passionate, dedicated, attentive caregivers.

Caregivers of whom we can never say enough that there are not enough of them.

It was therefore to experience this that, on the advice of my cardiologist, I found myself in a day clinic, with around ten other patients, for a cardiovascular rehabilitation program every morning for 6 weeks.

Almost all of us did not know of the existence of this therapeutic possibility.

Before, we had never heard of it and yet, there is no shortage of prevention campaigns in general, but here, we did not know what our beating “heart” was waiting for. So one day, without realizing it, we had to come close to the big departure to finally understand and listen to our hearts.

My photographic testimony is therefore a small summary of these moments of discovery, it is voluntarily presented here in a united manner in black and white, the common denominator of a particular and shared experience, without knowing here who was who?, even if After a while, friendly exchanges began between us.

Every day, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., there was a sustained physical commitment from everyone, combined with that of dedicated caregivers: nurses, physiotherapist, sophrologist, dietician, psychologist, teachers specializing in rehabilitation sports, cardiologist, all very available and smiling, full of an empathy that we all needed so much, anxious to transmit “a necessary and beneficial health value”, which certainly we had not necessarily imagined to this extent and which we were going to have to keep doing at home, once we left the place of care to return to our daily life.

Indeed, these very special, intensive six weeks have undoubtedly shaken up our culture and our certainties a little, if certainties there could be in this area. Agree to review our eating habits, find time for at least three times a week, to practice one or more regular physical activities such as cycling, weights, gymnastics, Qi Gong practice, swimming in the pool, etc., and this whatever the season and our age. Learn to better pace our breathing and exhalation, become aware of ventral breathing and practice it, know how to relax, manage stress, observe our heart rate…and above all, to not forget to take our medications daily at specific times. In other words, review our copy on life and continue the path as best we can, to protect this heart that has been beating since our birth. Were we really aware of this?

In this report, I would like to pay tribute to the caregivers, whatever their role, to their dedication. Also to tell the younger generations who will perhaps one day discover these images, perhaps banal in their eyes, that these women and men have chosen an exciting profession full of humanity. We do not know enough about their prevention work. Of course, we often see images of treatments on the ground, but there are also those of preventive support. To care for us, the commitment of these staff becomes more than precious.

The various Health Managers must more than ever support them in their role by allowing them to obtain in their specialty, the fair return that they deserve and let us say it, that many expect today.

I would like to thank all of these caregivers at this clinic, those of the team of Doctor Marie-Cécile Blonde, head of the department, whose listening, empathy, professionalism and support we all greatly appreciated. A very friendly thought to my fellow patients in the group in which we were assigned and of whom I was able, thanks to their personal agreement and their image rights, to photograph to bear witness to strong moments. Finally, Madame Eliane Parriaud, Director of the Clinique des Rosiers in Dijon of the Ramsay Générale de Santé group, she authorized me to carry out this report on cardiovascular rehabilitation, I thank her for that. During my visit as a patient, I wanted to also be able to bear witness to this very important time of privileged information, recovery and prevention.

Jacques Revon
Honorary journalist, author, photographer.

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