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International Photo Festival InCadaqués 2022


The InCadaqués photography festival has just ended. Our correspondent Jean-Jacques Ader attended.

Sixth meeting in the art galleries and other places of exhibitions of the Catalan village, for ten days of the eclectic festival. Once again, multiple sensations await you along the steep, white-walled streets of Cadaqués. From the beach of Port d’Alguer to the garden of the Dalí villa in Portlligat, no less than forty photographers from all over the world are presented; non-exhaustive selection.

Bringing imaginary worlds to life is perhaps one of the definitions of photography. Joan Alvado, a Spanish photographer living in Barcelona, ​​applied himself to it during his residency at InCadaqués. Loving to devote time to his projects, he naturally approached local stories by the sea; wreck hunters, coral fishermen, deep sea divers, the artist has combined these maritime adventures with the legends of the seabed, in the form of a photographic experience, linking plants, fluids, human creatures or not through pictorial and poetic renderings.

Collages is probably a somewhat simplistic word to define Anna Muller’s work. This artist of Russian origin and now living in Paris for ten years, creates visual compositions that depict a colorful imagination, linked to fashion codes, but not without mystery or humorous shift. She says she assembles her cut-outs in an emotional and feverish exaltation, eliminates the useless, and as in automatic writing, intuitively decides that the desired form has finally been reached.

Paul Cupido, Dutch artist, no longer really needs to be presented as his work is shown regularly in Europe and beyond. Influenced by Japanese philosophy and minimalism, he creates quite unique images, during a long heliogravure  process called chine-collé. His landscapes, portraits or still lifes brought back from his travels evoke the cycles of life, the instant and the ephemeral, in a mixture of depth and lightness. A contemplative, poetic and spare series, capturing the spirit of the island of Lanzarote, is specially presented, for the delight of our eyes.

Note: the very sensual compositions of the Japanese Sayuri Ichida and the small black & white formats of the Finnish Mikael Siirilä, intuitive photography, with subjects as present as they are intangible; the explosion of colors and bodies in the underground youth milieu of Chinese Lin Zhipeng; screenings of documentary films from The Darkroom rumor – which should soon be a reference – real immersions in the sometimes hidden universe of those who make the images.

We should mention the level of quality of the winners of the annual call for authors, some of whom may well find their way into the next official program.

Jean-Jacques Ader

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