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In Memoriam : Dorothy Bohm (1924-2023)


We learned of the passing of Dorothy Bohm. Peter Fetterman wrote the following text.

Dear Friends,

It is with great sadness we announce the passing of our good friend and photographer Dorothy Bohm who died last week in London. Dorothy led a full and rich life having arrived in England in 1939 to escape the Nazi terrors. She created a wonderful artistic life for herself and was one of the most gracious and charming women I have ever met. Her “joie de vivre” and positive attitude was just infectious. Her determination to create beauty wherever she found it was inspiring. She was also thoroughly grounded and humble despite her great talent and was completely selfless in her desire to help other photographers and to promote the medium of photography that gave her life such meaning. I last saw her in her house in Hampstead last November for a wonderful tea and I left her presence floating down the street with joy. As she always said “I try to show the good”. Her work is a testament to her approach to life and she is someone I will never forget. Rest In Peace dear Dorothy.

Peace and love,

Peter Fetterman


“I have spent my lifetime taking photographs. The photograph fulfills my deep need to stop things from disappearing. It makes transience less painful and retains some of the special magic which I have looked for and found. I have tried to create order out of chaos, to find stability in flux and beauty in the most unlikely places” ~ Dorothy Bohm

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