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In Memoriam : Anouk Aimée (1932-2024)


Anouk Aimée passed this week, Peter Fetterman had the lovely idea to pay tribute to the iconic French actress with this portrait by William Klein, he accompanies it with this short text. And below it, take a look at the trailer of Claude Lelouch essential Sixties movie : “A Man and A Woman” (1966)

Dear Friends,

Those of us of a certain age were somewhat saddened today to hear of the passing of the great French actress Anouk Aimée. For sure 92 years old is a long and productive life, but it is all the memories of our own youth that come back.

Anouk stared in one of the seminal movies of the 1960’s, “A Man and A Woman”, possibly the most tender and romantic movie ever made. I’m sure many of us can remember exactly where we first saw it and who we were with. I know I found it so emotional and just thinking about it, well…

Bill Klein took this wonderful photo of her four years before the film catapulted her to world fame.

Rest in Peace Anouk.

Peace and Love,

Peter Fetterman


Peter Fetterman Gallery
2525 Michigan Ave, Gallery A1
Santa Monica, CA 90404-4031


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