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In Camera : 15th anniversary


The Parisian gallery In Camera is celebrating its 15th anniversary. Jean Noël de Soye sent this text.

In 2008, when we imagined the gallery, with Hanane Hilmi, we first thought of documentary photography, a collective and poorly represented territory to which I feel close, having been a reporter for a long time.

The place that we choose, or rather that chance offered us, is nestled in the 7th arrondissement, on rue Las Cases, not far from the Musée d’Orsay. This peaceful, intimate place has become much more than an address: an oasis of light.

Impossible to hang dozens of photographs in it, you have to be precise and rigorous while being faithful to the artist, to his fantasy, to his dreams, and also to his demands. It is a reciprocal commitment. It is not a challenge, but an exciting experience, renewed with each new encounter. The hanging remains, it’s still true, one of the best moments of my life as a gallery owner. A surprising, exhilarating moment, suddenly everything fits together, everything makes sense, everything lights up, the prints come to life, it’s the great mystery of photography.

Over time, we welcomed different sensibilities and aesthetics, and these points of view, sometimes unexpected,  provoked exchanges with our visitors. Friends become collectors and collectors become friends. This adventure in an elsewhere, not only geographical, but also digital, brought us luck.

In 2023, in camera celebrates its fifteenth anniversary with a rich exhibition of thirty-two authors. Thirty-two artists. Thirty-two prints. A card game without queens or kings.

In any case, the portrait of a singular and undisciplined group, voluntary and resistant, to which Hanane and I are very attached.

Jean-Noël de Soye


Exhibition from October 12 to December 23, 2023

Emi Anrakuji – Nobuyoshi Araki – Evgenia Arbugaeva – Jane Evelyn Atwood – Jerry Berndt – Philippe Bordas – Alexandra Catiere – Krass Clement – Jean Noël de Soye – Claudine Doury – Stéphane Duroy – Sissi Farassat – Louis Faurer – Amy Friend – Julian Germain – Kenro Izu – Yumiko Izu – Paul Kodjo – Ananias Léki Dago – Namsa Leuba – Robert Longo – Eri Makita –  Fabrice Monteiro – Mariele Neudecker – Gueorgui Pinkhassov – Eva Rubinstein – Laurence Sackman – Cindy Sherman – Andrea Torres Balaguer – Thomas Vandenberghe – Hans van der Meer – Bertien van Manen


In Camera
21 rue Las Cases
75007 Paris
du mardi au samedi
de 14h à 19h
+33 (0) 1 47 05 51 77

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