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Ilford, Story of a Bankruptcy: What Brought Ilford Down (2/5)


Was the end of Ilford Imaging inevitable? “As a photo paper producer, it was doomed to extinction,” says Christian Dumas, who joined the company in 1970 and was one of the last few executives. But blaming the market is too simple. Strategic errors were committed. “Absolutely,” says Paul Willems, who became Ilford’s last CEO in 2011. “The market killed Ilford because Ilford was unable to do anything else,” says Dumas. Autopsy of a failure.

Read the full article on the French version of L’Oeil.

Ilford : clac de fin (1/5)
Ce qui a tué Ilford (2/5)
Ilford, une institution (3/5)
Un projet pharaonique pour le site Ilford Imaging (4/5)
Non, Ilford n’est pas mort (5/5)

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